3 Ways to Rejoice in the Mundane
Deut. 12:18 … Thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto.
When I read this scripture, God dealt with my heart about the way in which I perform my daily tasks. Do I perform my responsibilities out of drudgery or joyful gratitude? This hits home to us because our jobs can become just something we are expected to do instead of a way in which we can bless God and others. I remember hearing my mom speak about being grateful in the mundane things of life – “While washing the dishes, thank God that we have hands to wash them, food to eat, and dishes to eat off of.” Oh, the examples could go on and on! But what I want to encourage you to do is look for what you can rejoice about in each situation.
Choosing joy in all we do will be a result of a grateful heart.
(It’s not too far away from Thanksgiving to start being grateful!!)
Col. 3:23 And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Notice the words used in the scripture – whatsoever you do. It doesn’t just say the things you enjoy doing, but everything you do. Furthermore, it speaks of how we should do it – heartily – which means “spirit” (Strong’s Concordance). When we say someone is spirited about something, I think of a passionate, all-in attitude. I’m put to conviction when I ask myself, “Could these words characterize my attitude in fulfilling my mundane tasks?”
What gives our tasks purpose is who we are doing them for. This scripture admonishes to do every task as unto the Lord. If we truly live like this, we won’t become flustered if what we do is unnoticed by others. For if we did our best as unto the Lord, we can be assured that He took notice.
How can I Rejoice in ALL I do?
- Look for reasons to be grateful.
- I Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks:
- Do every task as unto the Lord.
- Col. 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
- Seek God’s strength every day.
- Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
- Nehemiah 8:10 …For the joy of the Lord is your strength.
I pray this truth inspires you as it has me!
God bless you!
Joanna Rich
October 27, 2016 @ 11:45 pm
This is so good, Joanna!
I needed this reminder!!
October 31, 2016 @ 8:07 pm
Thank you for sharing, Sis Sheila! May God bless you with a joyful life!
December 27, 2023 @ 8:52 pm
“Rejoice in the mundane, it is the small, routine things that we do, day after day, that makes us strong for those times when we are truly challenged’!