Bro Martin shares a powerful incident this week:
“On Friday at the Downtown Soup Kitchen / Hope Center: I read and exhorted from John 3:14-21. A fellow then came up and sat down at a table close to us as we sang and played “Amazing Grace.” He was weeping. As the girls continued to sing, I went and sat beside him. He said with deep emotion, “I’m going to hell. I know it. I’ve been such a monster.” I explained the Gospel to him as simply and clearly as I could. He said, “So what do I do now?” He prayed very sincerely with me. Then he said with a surprised look on his face, “IT’S GONE!” I asked him what was gone. He said, “I can’t explain it, but it’s GONE!” Please rejoice with me for another life touched by the Master’s hand!”
Sunday morning began with quite a scare. Bro Martin usually sends his black bag with his Bible/iPad/etc. with the children while he drives the bus to pick up the people. However, this time he had it with him beside his seat. When he returned to the church, he realized it was gone. They looked for it on the bus and in the church, but couldn’t find it. Bro Martin announced it in church and then went ahead and ministered from his phone. On the first trip to take the people back, a man spoke up from half-way back, “Did you say it was a black bag you were missing?” It was noticeable that someone had looked through it, but nothing was missing. We praise the Lord for this!!
A group of about 30 people from a neighboring church came to help out at Hope Church Sunday. There were quite a few distractions in the service with unruly behavior, yet the Word of God prevailed. We realize our desperate need for the Holy Ghost intervention in each service. Please pray that every distraction will be destroyed and that the atmosphere would be conducive to people finding the God of Hope!
Bro Martin took George* (the disabled man whom we have mentioned several times) to the Doctor today to get his teeth cut out. He had infection in his gums, so the process was quite extensive. He was in quite a bit of pain when Bro. Martin took him home. Please pray for a speedy recovery for this precious man.
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We are so thankful for you!
We are so thankful for you!