Hope for the Home Update
Bro. Martin, Julie, Jalisa, Jordan and Joy flew back to Alaska on Thursday of last week. They were greeted at the airport by their friend, Naomi, and the beloved family dog, Jingles! What a great reunion!
They went up to the Downtown Soup Kitchen on Friday and the people were SO glad see them! The excitement was mutual. The crowd was somewhat down at Hope Church yesterday, yet they still had a tremendous service with 2 people coming up for salvation. Praise God! With the absence of many, Bro Martin will be making contact with as many as he can. It is a possibility that some may have obtained housing because of the push the city has been making for that reality.
Julie started back to work this morning at the Women’s Shelter. The 3:00am wake-up alarms may be a little adjustment after an extended time off and especially in this extremely cold weather. Today, the thermometer read -10F degrees! That’s what we talk about frigid cold!! Julie had a staff meeting on Friday night, and they informed her that they have increased their capability to house 50 women instead of 30. This opportunity is exciting, yet with more people comes more need of God’s wisdom to deal with each situation. Please continue to pray for Julie and all the Women’s Shelter staff.
The family will be getting back into the routine of ministry this week. We covet your prayers for God to guide them each step of the way.